Friday, March 31, 2017

Planning for the Future?

Sometimes it's hard for someone to plan ahead, whether it's a day, a month, or five years from now.  For people like myself, I love having a plan for the long-term and short-term future.  I just hate being uncertain about what is going to happen next.  Planning helps me organize my day and schedule.  Even writing reminders down helps me keep track of what I need to do.  Planners and to-do lists are my favorite as I remember what up-coming events and assignments I have.  At this time last year, I knew what classes I was going to take in my last semesters, I knew when I was able to see my friends, and I knew what I could handle.  It was the same way in high school:  I knew what classes I would take, what extracurricular activities I would participate in, and how much free time I would have.

Now, as I get closer to graduating and becoming a productive member of society, I've realized that there are so many uncertainties that I'm going to face soon.  How am I going to find a job?  What school will take me in?  When will I apply for my Master's degree?  Where will I go for school?  Can I afford it?  I have more questions, but I thought I'd stick with the basics.  Although these are genuine concerns, I can also recognize when things are out of my control.  Unfortunately, there are instances where I'm not going to know what will happen the next days or months, that is happening to me right now.  It's hard to trust in something that I'm not sure what it is.

Maybe this is a lesson; maybe I should stop worrying about things that are out of my reach.  Maybe I should enjoy the time I have with my friends and family and go out and have some fun.  I think of myself as a laid-back, down-to-earth, but recently, I've considered myself over-worked and stressed.  The future is unclear, but I shouldn't let that worry.  I'm sure that as I look back, this will be nothing compared to what I'll face in the future.  I know there's more to look forward to, so I should think about that rather than worry about uncontrollable events.


Car accident.


  1. I have three calendars in my house. I make plans so when unplanned things happen I can respond easily. Sorry about your car!

  2. Oh my Tabatha. That car accident was super unnecessary, Universe! I love creating lists and keeping calendars too. I even carry a pocket calendar like the one I tracked my cycle on in high school. hahahaha. Nostalgia, ftw.

  3. I know my schedule backwards and forwards so when things happen I always find myself trying to "fit it in". Calendars and list are great ways to keep everything together. I too am so close to graduation and the "now what" is very real. I hope that you're okay and that everything works out with your car!

  4. Awww Tabatha, I feel this post on so many levels! I'm sorry about your car! I think that you have a good attitude about the future- life is very uncertain and I find myself in that constantly over-worked/ overly stressed vortex too. There are a lot of questions and uncertainties in my life (do I move to North Carolina with my family or take a job here, what does Internship II look like, how will I work a job if I'm teaching every day of the week, ect). I know the best thing that I can do right now is to pray for peace and certainty as well ask work and focus on one task at a time. Good luck, we've got this!

  5. Hey Tabitha. I definitely agree that there is a fine line between planning and over-planning. If you don't plan, you're likely going to fall behind somewhere with something. If you plan too much you're simply being impractical and will probably leave no time for enjoyment. It's all about balance girl!
