Sunday, February 26, 2017


1.  I try not to let technology dominate my life.  I have and use a smart phone, my laptop, and yes, I still use my old iPod.  Even though it is a part of everyday life, I'm so scared of technology! I use my laptop for doing homework and watching television.  I feel like I've never been a huge fan of technology because my teachers didn't use it often.  They used projectors, but they didn't use elaborate technology in the classroom.  Students today live in a completely different world from when I was in high school.  Students in Timber Creek High School were issued their own laptops provided by the county; every class is equipped with smart boards.  As a future teacher, it is important to learn how to incorporate technology as a learning tool to enhance the learning environment.

2.  EDpuzzle is a great site where teachers can select videos, crop the length, and add questions for students to answer as they watch the video.  Teachers can also keep track of student participation as it shows which students watched the video and how many questions they answered correctly.  I think this site is a fantastic way to introduce a new topic and build background knowledge.  For example, before my students read As I Lay Dying, I would have them watch a video about William Faulkner and have them answer questions to ensure they have watched it.

3.  There were a lot of helpful resources that I could use to motivate students to participate, learn, and write inside and outside the classroom.  I loved Flipgrid, which provides online classroom discussions, as well as Bubbl, which is an interactive graphic organizer.  These tools can increase student engagement and understanding.  Students who may feel uncomfortable sharing their thoughts in class may perform better on a discussion in Flipgrid, where there is student interaction, but through technology.  Bubbl can help students who are visual learners acquire information throughout concept maps and sequence organizers.  As beneficial as some of these resources are, issues can arise with the use of technology.  Sources like Canva and Storybird are useful for inspiring creativity, but some students may not focus on the writing that is being graded and instead focus on the aesthetics.  In other words, technology can pose a distraction for some students and take time away from the academic content of the assignment.

4.  I have noticed that Reminder has been very popular for teachers, parents, and students.  Reminder is a free app for phones that allows teachers to communicate with their students whether it is individual text messages or group messages.  It can be simple reminders about homework or notices about upcoming tests.  ClassCall is great for class websites; discussions can be posted and presentations can be uploaded as well.  Google Forms have also been incorporated in many classrooms.  It allows teachers to post surveys for students to respond.  It helps teachers and students receive feedback that is objective and meaningful.

5.  One concept teachers need to consider when integrating technology in the classroom is accessibility.  Students who do not have the financial resources to afford new phones and computers may not be able to participate in activities that require technology.  If students do have access to these tools, then they need to be able to access the websites that the teachers use for their classrooms. In terms of the content of the devices need to fit in to the lesson that is being taught.  Technology needs to have a purpose in the class and coincide with what the teachers wants her students to achieve.  There are certain websites that perfect for lessons, but others are unnecessary.  Teachers need to be aware of how to use technology effectively; if they don't need it for specific lessons, then technology shouldn't be used.

6.  For someone who has a lot to learn about technology, I think using EDpuzzle is an effective tool to use.  It is easy to use, and I can use this as homework assignments, especially when I am starting a new unit.  Students can watch the videos at home, answer the questions, and we can get started on the lesson rather than spending a huge part of the class building background knowledge.  I can't wait to see where technology will take me and my students!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Finding Ways to Relax This Week and More Scrap Booking

For my future scrap book, I was thinking about having three major categories: sporting events, friends and family, and travels.  On the other hand, I was also considering putting it in chronological order.  What do you think?  I can't wait until spring break comes, maybe I can get started on this!

This Friday I went to the Tampa Zoo, and I had so much fun! I felt like a little kid again; I saw tigers, and bears, but no lions (Oh my!)  I was really excited to see elephants, giraffes, zebras, koalas, kangaroos, and llamas! One of the cutest animals that I saw were the orangutans; the were two baby orangutans that were clinging to their mom.  It was such a wonderful day to walk around and see some of the cutest and majestic animals on the planet.  Sometimes, when you're having a stressful week, you just need to go to the zoo, or an art museum, or take a walk.

Today I was finally able to run after a hiatus due to work, school, and internship.  It only consisted of two miles and a couple of suicides, but it felt so good to put on my running shoes, get outside, and forget about everything.  It was seventy-five degrees with a little bit of wind, the perfect conditions for a runner who has been sidelined for a couple of weeks.  My Ethics professor told my class to find one outlet away from school and set aside at least thirty minutes a day for that outlet.  It could be drawing or cooking, my outlet is running.  I think the reason why I have been so stressed and tired is because all  I do is work, go to school, and do homework.  Although I was exhausted after the run, I felt so much better about myself.  I felt tired and refreshed at the same time, and it was wonderful.

Now that I'm starting to settle into this new semester, I believe that is so important to find something that I can do during my small amount of free time and focus on nothing else: no work and no school is allowed during this free time.  I may not be able to run or pleasure read every day, it is beneficial if I take a thirty minute break a couple days out of the week to enjoy myself.

My fellow classmates and bloggers, what are your special outlets?

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Practice Makes Progress, Scrap Booking, and Food

When I think about how I came to the decision to become a teacher, there was no grand moment, and a light bulb did not magically appear above my head; my mom just simply suggested that I become a teacher, and now, I pursue this profession with so much passion and enthusiasm.  During this transition from student to educator, I had some doubts about whether I was good enough to be an English.  I have always considered myself an average writer throughout secondary school, and I even failed the A.P English exam.  How could I be an English teacher if I couldn't even master the fundamental concepts of the English language?

There is a quote by Dr. Seuss that summarizes how I feel about teaching, reading and myself: "The more that you read, the more you will know.  The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."  I didn't know that this simple quote could explains my four years of college.  My time spent reading, volunteering, and writing lesson has not only prepared me for my future classroom, but it has also given me the confidence to be the best teacher I can be.  Whether it was reading about classroom diversity, writing strategies, or world literature, I've realized that teachers aren't born, they're made.

 Image result for oh the places you'll go

There are a few things that I have in mind during spring break.
1.  I want to read a book that is not a required reading.  My parents got me Fahrenheit 451 for Christmas, so I think that is the first thing I'll do.
2.  I also want to play some soccer; with my busy schedule this semester, I know I won't have much time to be as active as I would like.  I can't wait to put on my cleats and kick a ball around and relieve some stress.
3.  I might start packing my bags! I'm moving back home in Jacksonville for my last semester, so it's never too early to get all of my stuff together.
4.  As a college student, I don't have a lot of opportunities to cook extravagant meals, but I am so tired of cooking plain pasta and baked potatoes.  I wish there was food that was cheap, easy to make, healthy, and delicious..... does anyone have favorite meals they would like to share that fits the criteria?
5.  When I graduated high school, I made a scrap book capturing all of the wonderful memories I had during my tenure at Middleburg High School.  I have never been creative and artistic, but I thought I could try.  It turned out pretty well, and I love being able to organize and do anything I want with it.  Now that I'm graduating in December, I have been thinking about starting a scrap book of my time in college.  I thought it would be a nice activity I can do during my spare time (if I have any).  Here are some pictures I thought about adding to my future scrap book.